Get a Better Overview of Your Closet

Ah, the closet… Either it is a place you love or hate. We all dream of huge walk-in closets meticulously ordered with all outfits colour coded, free of wrinkles and ready to wear for a fabulous look.

Yet, for most of us, it’s not like that at all. The closet is too small, and even if you have lots of fun, quirky and stylish designer clothes, it’s almost impossible to find them since everything is crammed in to fit. As soon as you actually manage to extract something cool to wear, it is full of wrinkles and creases and you have to spend a lot of time getting it into a wearable shape.

Step One: Clean Out Your Closet

Yes we know, it is scary. But take everything out and go through it all. Make three piles, “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. Be hard. Items that you haven’t worn in a year should not go in the yes pile .

Make sure all items in the yes pile are clean and ironed before putting them back into your closet. Make custom hang tag stickers with the designer name to put on the hangers. That will give you a better overview and help you find what you are looking for.

The no pile is perfect for re-sale or for giving to charity, whichever you prefer. There are a number of shops for pre-owned designer clothes, so you may even get some extra cash in your wallet.

The maybe pile you store away and check back with and go through again in six months.