3 Simple Tips to Skyrocket your Google Ads profitability

Profitable Google ads are hard to pull off. You need to have so many things done right. These include your ad copy, keywords, location, and so on. But to make it easier for you, I’ve created this blog post to give you three simple tips that could skyrocket your ads.

So if that sounds interesting to you, then keep on reading.


One of the biggest rookie mistakes many people make is that they try to reach people with generic keywords like “dog collar” or “Samsung tv.” While these might have the largest search volume, they have a few problems:

  • They’re highly competitive.
  • They don’t convert well.
  • They’re expensive to rank for.

So what should you do differently? Well, try to rank for long-tail keywords. For example, instead of “dog collar” or “Samsung tv,” try to rank for keywords like “dog collar for chihuahuas” or “40-inch Samsung Smart TV”. With these, you can rank more efficiently, and your ads will be specific to the search, making your CPC cheaper.


So you picked a long-tail keyword. Great! Now stop looking and create an ad copy for this specific keyword. Why, you might ask?

That’s because when you create an ad copy for this, you’ll be able to make it as relevant as possible. In return, that will increase your CTR, which means your cost per click goes lower.


Do you know what you should do? You should add extensions to your ad. That is said to help increase your CTR. How much, you ask? Well, according to Google, this can be as high as 12 to 15 percent!

So make sure to add them to your ad campaign.


And those were our three simple tips. So to recap, you need to:

  • Use long-tail keywords
  • Create keyword-specific ad copies
  • And add extensions to your ads

Also, if you’re looking to increase your google ads roas even more, then I highly recommend you try out Kuvio. With it, you’ll know if your ads were profitable or not.